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Our Mission 

The purpose of Nooksack Valley High School is to prepare successful citizens by continually improving student achievement. Our focus is to prepare all students for college/career, and citizenship.

About Our School 

At Nooksack Valley High School we are providing learning opportunities for students in core academic content, career and technical education, fine arts, and physical education. In ninth and tenth grades there is a strong focus on helping students achieve proficiency in the state standards as proven on the Smarter Balanced Assessments, which students take in the spring during their tenth grade year. During eleventh and twelfth grades, students have opportunities to pursue studies in career pathways, including college preparatory work. The staff hold high expectations for students in academic growth, respect, and responsibility. We are committed to providing a safe and positive school environment. Enhancing each student's high school experiences are opportunities in athletics, drama, clubs, student achievement, and service groups.

Student Enrollment and Demographics

To receive information on student enrollment and demographics please see the link at the bottom of this page.

Nooksack Valley Schools Graduate Profile

When students leave Nooksack Valley Schools they will be able to demonstrate the following attributes.

Graduates from Nooksack Valley Schools are educated citizens. They can:

  • read with comprehension
  • write with skill
  • communicate freely and responsibly
  • use information technology skillfully and responsibly
  • demonstrate skills for learning and mastery of content in the arts, geography, mathematics, civics and history (world awareness/diversity and civic duty), health and fitness, social sciences, physical and life sciences (environmental awareness), and vocational arts (known vocational strengths and weaknesses)
  • use research skills

Graduates from Nooksack Valley Schools are productive citizens. They:

  • understand their rights and responsibilities
  • are tolerant of others
  • are responsible
  • are respectful of others and self
  • persevere
  • have a positive self-esteem
  • are confident
  • are adaptable
  • have a strong work ethic
  • self evaluate


The high school campus is located at 3326 East Badger Road and houses the high school and the Nooksack Valley District Office. Grounds include academic and physical education and athletic facilities. The Performing Arts Center is a lighthouse facility that is used widely by all schools for performances and by a growing number of community groups. By June 2001 the high school was completely networked with access to the Internet in all classrooms and computer labs.

Programs and Activities for Student

  • Advanced Placement Literature and Composition, and Biology
  • Online Advanced Placement for any subject
  • Pre Calculus 
  • Associated Student Body/Leadership Class
  • Running Start (WCC and BTC)
  • Articulated Programs of Study with WCC and BTC (Tech Prep)
  • Academic Letter Program
  • Student Travel and Exchange Students
  • Student and Staff Recognition
  • Student Planner and Study Skills
  • Drama and Music Programs
  • Mock Trial
  • Yearbook and Journalism
  • Community Service and Environmentally Friendly Clubs
  • Service Learning
  • Teen Court
  • Multi-Cultural Club
  • Environmentally Friendly Club 
  • FBLA
  • Complete array of student athletics for boys and girls  
  • Student Portfolios
  • Student Led Portfolio Presentations 
  • Culminating Senior Project

Information for Parents

The partnership between home and school is a vital condition of student success. Parent/guardian involvement is considered essential. Parents are welcome to be involved in a variety of ways, from helping chaperone dances, serving on committees, and providing feedback, to simply talking with their children about what is going on in school.  The high school principal holds a bi-monthly "Principal's Forum" for the community. All are invited to attend. Additionally, parents are invited to join the Pioneer Athletic Club and Music Boosters. These groups meet regularly and are invaluable in augmenting the school's programs.

Nooksack Valley High School OSPI Report Card 

Click here to receive the most current statistical data provided by the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, including WASL results, student demographics, and more.